SPECIALITY : Vegetation Ecology
RESEARCH AREA : Plant Functional Traits, Community Ecology, Ecosystem Conservation
My research interest is in understanding structure and function of vegetation in response to changes in environmental conditions. In India my research evaluated the impact of variations in soil water availability on plant species diversity and functional trait composition in tropical dry forest. The vegetation response to harvesting, cattle grazing, fire and dust deposition was also analyzed.
In China, my earlier research was to quantify the impact of disturbances and resources on species distribution within and across landscapes. Currently, I am focused on the pine and high altitude oak vegetation in Yunnan Province, where I am analyzing the effect of tree canopy cover on functional trait diversity and soil organic carbon accumulation. My future research plan will also incorporate other vegetation types in the sub-tropical region.
- Awarded Postdoctoral Outstanding Achievement Award for the year 2018 by the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Yunnan Province, China
- Awarded National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Research Fund for International Young Scientists for the year 2018 (Grant no. 31750110466)
- Worked as Postdoctoral Researcher in Center for Integrative Conservation, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (2016-2018)
- Awarded Research Associate Fellowship (2012-2015) (Grant no. 09/13(452)/2012-EMR-I) by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India
- Worked as a Senior Research Fellow in a project entitled, “Plant Functional Traits Analysis of Dry Tropical Forest Ecosystems”, funded by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, India (2008-2011)
- Life-member of the International Society for Tropical Ecology (ISTE), Banaras Hindu University, India, and Fellow of Tropical Ecology (FTE)
- Life member of the International Science Congress Association (ISCA), Ministry of Corporate Affairs, India. Membership no. L26621
- Qualified General Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE – 2004 with 88.52 percentile & GATE – 2007 with 83.00 percentile), Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources and Development (MHRD), India
Tripathi, S.N., Bhadouria, R., Srivastava, P., Devi, R.S., Chaturvedi, R.K. & Raghubanshi, A.S. (2020) Effects of light availability on leaf attributes and seedling growth of four tree species in tropical dry forest. Ecological Processes 9(2): 1-16.
Bahuguna, H.S., Chaturvedi, R.K. & Rajwar, G.S. (2018) Carbon sequestration potential of the forest soils of district Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India. Tropical Ecology 59(4): 659-678.
Chaturvedi, R.K., Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S. (2017) Sapling harvest: A predominant factor affecting future composition of tropical dry forests. Forest Ecology and Management 384(2017): 221–235.
Chaturvedi, R.K., Raghubanshi, A.S., Tomlinson, K.W. & Singh, J.S. (2017) Impacts of human disturbance in tropical dry forests increase with soil moisture stress. Journal of Vegetation Science 28(5): 997-1007.
Singh, J.S. & Chaturvedi, R.K. (2017) Diversity of ecosystem types in India: a review. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy – INSA 83(3): 569-594.
Chaturvedi, R.K. & Singh, J.S. (2017) Restoration of mine spoil in a dry tropical region: a review. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy – INSA 83(4): 789-844.
Chaturvedi, R.K. & Raghubanshi, A.S. (2015) Assessment of carbon density and accumulation in mono- and multi-specific stands in tropical dry forests of India. Forest Ecology and Management 339(2015): 11–21.
Chaturvedi, R.K. & Raghubanshi, A.S. (2015) Allometric models for accurate estimation of aboveground biomass of teak in tropical dry forests of India. Forest Science 5(28): 938-949.
Chaturvedi, R.K. & Raghubanshi, A.S. (2014) Species Composition, Distribution and Diversity of Woody Species in tropical dry forest of India. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 33(8): 729-756.
Chaturvedi, R.K., Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S. (2014) Relative effects of different leaf attributes on sapling growth in tropical dry forest. Journal of Plant Ecology 7(6): 544-558.
Chaturvedi, R.K., & Raghubanshi, A.S. (2013) Aboveground biomass estimation of small diameter woody species of tropical dry forest. New Forests 44(4): 509-519.
Chaturvedi, R.K., Prasad, S., Rana, S., Obaidullah, S.M., Pandey, V. & Hema Singh (2013). Effect of dust load on the leaf attributes of the tree species growing along the roadside. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185(1): 383–391.
Chaturvedi, R.K., Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S. (2013) Growth of tree seedlings in a dry tropical forest in relation to soil moisture and leaf traits. Journal of Plant Ecology 6(2): 158-170.
Chaturvedi, R.K., Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S. (2012) Effect of grazing and harvesting on diversity, recruitment and carbon accumulation of juvenile trees in tropical dry forests. Forest Ecology and Management 284(2012): 152–162.
Chaturvedi, R.K., Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S. (2012) Biomass estimation of dry tropical woody species at juvenile stage. The Scientific World Journal doi:10.1100/2012/790219.
Chaturvedi, R.K., Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S. (2011) Plant functional traits with particular reference to dry deciduous forests: a review. Journal of Biosciences 36(5): 963-981.
Chaturvedi, R.K., Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S. (2011) Carbon density and accumulation in woody species of tropical dry forest in India. Forest Ecology and Management 262(8): 1576-1588.
Chaturvedi, R.K., Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S. (2011) Leaf attributes and tree growth in a tropical dry forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 22(5): 917-931.
Chaturvedi, R.K., Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S. (2011) Effect of small scale variations in environmental factors on the distribution of woody species in tropical deciduous forests of Vindhyan Highlands, India. Journal of Botany doi:10.1155/2011/297097.
Chaturvedi, R.K.,Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S. (2010) Non-destructive estimation of tree biomass by using wood specific gravity in the estimator. National Academy of Science Letters 33(5&6): 133-138.
- Associate Editor, Tropical Ecology (https://www.springer.com/life+sciences/ecology /journal/42965?detailsPage=editorialBoard)
- Associate Editor, Climate Change & Environmental Sustainability (http://www.ind ianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:cces&type=eboard)
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Hydrology (http://medcraveonline. com/IJH/editorial-board)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Management Science & Engineering Research (http://ojs.bil publishing.com/index.php/jmser/about/editorialTeam)
- Academic Editor, Asian Journal of Environment & Ecology (http://www.scien cedomain.org/journal/52)
- Google Scholar Citations: http://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=v2FtadkAAAA J&hl=en
- Mendeley Profile: https://www.mendeley.com/profiles/ravi-chaturvedi/?viewAsOt her=true
- ResearchGate Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ravi_Chaturvedi2?ev= hdr_xprf&_sg=tcU577-Dt8j1oCK4yyPry0VdXbw550BMxw_vo7WgYN-AEBSF0 ktV_LJChJYzXNNm-8SZv0zeusECB6o-rS9HRAbD
- Review Stats: https://publons.com/author/472652/ravi-kant-chaturvedi#stats