

Tomlinson K.W., Archibald S. (2025). Ch 13: Disturbance in grassland plant ecology and evolution. In: Hager HA, Gibson DJ, Newman JA (eds). Routledge Handbook of Grasslands. Taylor & Francis. (Book chapter, in press)

Pilon N, et al. (2025). Open letter: There are more than just trees and forests to be conserved and restored. Plants, People, Planet. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10635

Nimalrathna T, Fan H, Campos-Arceiz A, Nakamura A. (2025). Dung beetle iDNA provides an effective way to detect diverse mycological communities. Molecular Ecology Resources. (In press)

Upadhyay, G., Tewari, L. M., Tewari, A., Pandey, N. C., Koranga, S., Wani, Z. A., Tewari, G., & Chaturvedi, R. K. (2025). Species Diversity, Biomass Production and Carbon Sequestration Potential in the Protected Area of Uttarakhand, India. Plants, 14(2), 291.

de Guia, A.P.O., De Layola, L.A., Garcia, K.P., Quibod, M.N.R.M. (2025). Terrestrial Mammals in the Del Carmen Mangrove Forest Reserve, Siargao Island, Philippines. NRCP Research Journal 24(1): 99-114.

Dela Torre, V.C.P., Pototan, B.L., Choa, R.R., Petros, G.D., Panogalinog, I.G.M., Bacus, M.G., Raganas, A.F.M., Gamalo, L.E.D., Quibod, M.N.R.M. (2025). Habitat associations of bats in the green spaces of Davao City, Mindanao, Southern Philippines. Mammal Research 70: 115-126. DOI:


Anest, A., Bouchenak-Khelladi, Y., Charles-Dominique, T., Felix, F., Yves, C., Gareth, P. H., Olivier, M., Kyle, W. T.,  (2024). Blocking then stinging as a case of two-step evolution of defensive cage architectures in herbivore-driven ecosystems. Nat. Plants.

Chaturvedi, R.K., Pandey, S.K., Tripathi, A., Goparaju, L., Raghubanshi, A.S., Singh, J.S., (2024). Variations in the plasticity of functional traits indicate the differential impact of abiotic and biotic factors on the structure and growth of trees in tropical dry forest fragments. Frontiers in Plant Science.

Chaturvedi, R. K., Tripathi, A., Pandey, R., Raghubanshi, A. S., & Singh, J. S. (2024). Assessment of habitat features modulated carbon sequestration strategies for drought management in tropical dry forest fragments. Science of The Total Environment, 175703.

Sher, J., Khan, N. & Tomlinson, K.W. (2024). Plant growth of Chenopodium quinoa (Willd) is better when growing with kin than with non-kin regardless of soil nutrient conditions. Plant Ecology.

Maraia H, Charles-Dominique T, Tomlinson KW, Staver AC, Jorge LR, Gélin U, Jancuchova-Laskova J, Sam L, Hattas D, Freiberga I, Sam K. 2024. Substantial insect herbivory in a South African savanna-forest mosaic: a neglected topic. Ecology and Evolution.

Gupta, S.R., Chaturvedi, R.K., Dagar, J.C., Malan, A., Sharma, H.R. (2024). Rare and Endangered Halophytes: Biodiversity, Economic Importance, and Strategies for Their Conservation. In: Dagar, J.C., Gupta, S.R., Kumar, A. (eds) Halophytes vis-à-vis Saline Agriculture. Springer, Singapore.

Zhao, W., Gao, J., Hall, D., Andersson, B.A., Bruxaux, J., Tomlinson, K., Drouzas, A., Suyama, Y., Wang, X-R., (2024). Adaptive radiation of the Eurasian Pinus species under pervasive gene flow. New Phytologist 242: 2353-2368.

Meena, R.S., Pradhan, G., Nalani, Kumar, S., Singh, A.K., Verma, S.K., Mina, K.K., Kumar, S., Chaturvedi, R.K., (2024). Diversified cropping modules designed for soil restoration, CO2 sequestration, and generating carbon credits. Land degradation and development.  doi: 10.1002/ldr.5224

Pandey, R., Rawat, M., Singh, R., Kumar, M., Chaturvedi, R.K., Cui, L., & Li, T. (2024). Plant trait approach to assess the vulnerability of Rhododendron arboreum in western Himalayas. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 100415.

Silk, F., Pinho, B., Griffith, D.M., Webb, E., Raghubanshi, A.S., Quaresma, A.C., … , Chaturvedi. R.K., … , Laumonier, Y., (2024). Wind dispersed tree species have greater maximum height. Global Ecology and Biogeography. doi: 10.1111/geb.13878.

Pandey, R., Bargali, S.S., Bargali, K., Karki, H., Chaturvedi, R.K.,* (2024). Dynamics of nitrogen mineralization and fine root decomposition in sub-tropical Shorea robusta Gaertner f. forests of Central Himalaya, India, Science of the total Environment

Yang, J., Fan, H., He, Y., Wang, G., Cao, M. and Swenson, N.G., (2024). Functional genomics and co‐occurrence in a diverse tropical tree genus: The roles of drought‐and defence‐related genes. Journal of Ecology

Cooper, D.L.M., Lewis, S.L., Sullivan, M.J.P., …, Tomlinson, K.W., et al. (2024). Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities. Nature.

Awasthi, Balram, Kusum Uprety, Purna Man Shrestha, Laxman Prasad Poudyal, and Amar Kunwar. 2024. Community Knowledge, Perception and Conservation Challenges of Smooth-Coated Otter (Lutrogale Perspicillata) in Shuklaphanta National Park, Nepal. Api Journal of Science 1(1):48–56. doi: 10.3126/AJS.V1I1.75486.

Awasthi, Balram, Kusum Uprety, Purna Man Shrestha, Babu Ram Banjade, Grace M. Yoxon, and Amar Kunwar. 2024. Behavior and Activity Patterns of Smooth-Coated Otters (Lutrogale perspicillata) in Shuklaphanta National Park, Nepal. Journal of Institute of Science and Technology 29(2):19–28.  doi: 10.3126/JIST.V29I2.65260.

Banjade, Maniram, Pradeep Adhikari, M. H. Chang, Hong, Amar Kunwar, Prabhat Adhikari, and D. H. Lee. 2024. Spatiotemporal overlap of common leopard (Panthera pardus) and prey species in a moderately hilly region of Nepal. doi: 10.15666/aeer/2206_58855900.

Bhandari, Prabin, Bang-Ze Li, Amar Kunwar, Suman Poudel, Shi-Liang Zhou, and Shu-Ren Zhang. “Taxonomic study of Pan-Himalayan Cyperus species which used to be placed in the segregate genus Pycreus.” Phytotaxa 638, no. 2 (2024): 105-130.

Gamalo, L.E.D, Achondo, M.J.M.M., Dela Torre, V.C.P., Ates-Camino, F.B., Gamboa, R.U., Sabanal, B.T., Quibod, M.N.R.M. De Los Reyes, N.C.L. (2024). Kadaiyahan sa Kinaiyahan: A Glimpse of Vertebrate Diversity in the University of the Philippines Mindanao. Davao City: University of the Philippines Mindanao. 100pp.


Quibod, M. N. R. M., Gélin, U., van Langevelde, F., & Tomlinson, K. W. (2023). Diet-specific responses of skull traits to aridity gradients in bovids and cervids. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 199(4), 861-870. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad068

Chaturvedi, R. K., Bhadouria, R., & Singh, R. (2023). Variation in plant strategies with levels of forest disturbance. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change6, 1197644.

Wang, X., Fan, H., Phoncharoen, W., Gélin, U., & Tomlinson, K. W. (2023). Leaf chemistry of architecturally defended plants responds more strongly to soil phosphorus variation than non‐architecturally defended ones. Physiologia Plantarum175(1), e13856.

Sher, J., Bibi, F., Jan, G., Tomlinson, K. W., Ayaz, A., & Zaman, W. (2023). Kin and Non-Kin Connected Plants Benefit More Than Disconnected Kin and Non-Kin Plants under Nutrient-Competitive Environments. Plants12(3), 487.

Baral, Suraj, Amar Kunwar, Dipendra Adhikari, Kanti Kandel, Dev Narayan Mandal, Arjun Thapa, Dinesh Neupane, and Tej B. Thapa. 2023. The Potential Distribution of the Yellow Monitor, Varanus Flavescens (Hardwick & Gray) under Multiple Climate, Land Cover and Dispersal Scenarios in Nepal. Wildlife Research 50(12):1097–1108.  doi: 10.1071/WR22176.

Banjade, Maniram, Young Hun Jeong, Seon Deok Jin, Se Hwan Son, Amar Kunwar, Seon Mi Park, Jun Won Lee, Sung Hwan Choi, and Hong Shik Oh. 2023. Spatiotemporal Overlap between Siberian Roe Deer (Capreolus pygargus tianschanicus) and Sympatric Mammalian Species on Jeju Island, South Korea. Mammalia 87(2):101–9. doi: 10.1515/Mammalia-2022-0059.

Nimalrathna, T.S., Fan, H., Quan, R.-C. & Nakamura, A. (2023) Enhancing the dung beetle iDNA tool for mammalian biodiversity monitoring and ecological studies. Integrative Conservation, 2, 133–139.

Chawlkha, V., Singh, L., Varghese, A.O., Chaturvedi, R.K., Toppo, S., Thakur, T.K. (2023) Assessing land use pattern and species diversity of a tropical dry deciduous forest ecosystem using geospatial techniques. International Research Journal of Plant Science 14(6):1-13. DOI: http:/

Pandey, R., Rawat, M., Pathak, A., Mehta, D., Bala, N., Bhatt, I. D., & Chaturvedi, R. K. (2023). Identification of functional traits responsible for environmental vulnerability of Cedrus deodara in temperate forests of Western Himalaya. Ecological Indicators157, 111302.

Negi, B., Khatri, K., Bargali, S. S., Bargali, K., Fartyal, A., & Chaturvedi, R. K. (2023). Impact of invasive Ageratina adenophora on relative performance of woody vegetation in different forest ecosystems of Kumaun Himalaya, India. Journal of Mountain Science20(9), 2557-2579.

Maurin, O., Anest, A., Forest, F., Turner, I., Barrett, R. L., Cowan, R. C., Wang, L., Tomlinson, K. W., & Charles-Dominique, T. (2023). Drift in the tropics: Phylogenetics and biogeographical patterns in Combretaceae. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 00, 1–13.

Satdichanh, M., Dossa, G. G., Yan, K., Tomlinson, K. W., Barton, K. E., Crow, S. E., … & Harrison, R. D. (2023). Drivers of soil organic carbon stock during tropical forest succession. Journal of Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14141

dos Santos Rabelo, B., Van Langevelde, F., Tomlinson, K., Diniz, P., da Silva, D. A., Barbosa, E. R., & Borghetti, F. (2023). Effects of native and invasive grasses on the survival and growth of tree seedlings in a neotropical savanna. Biological Invasions, 1-15.

Gao, J., Tomlinson, K. W., Zhao, W., Wang, B., Lapuz, R. S., Liu, J. X., … & Wang, X. R. (2023). Phylogeography and introgression between Pinus kesiya and Pinus yunnanensis in Southeast Asia. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 62(1), 120-134.

Lu, Y., Zheng, S., Tomlinson, K. W., & Liu, J. (2023). Contrasting responses of plant herbivory and disease to local and landscape drivers. Plant and Soil, 1-13.

Yamawo, A., & Tomlinson, K. W. (2023). Defence plasticity in the spiny plant Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem. in response to light and soil fertilityAnnals of Botany131(7), 1073-1080.

Manral, V., Bargali, K., Bargali, S. S., Karki, H., & Chaturvedi, R. K. (2023). Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial biomass C, N and P along an altitudinal gradient in central Himalaya, India. Sustainability15(2), 1651.

Njoroge, D. M., Dossa, G. G., Ye, L., Lin, X., Schaefer, D., Tomlinson, K., … & Cornelissen, J. H. (2023). Fauna access outweighs litter mixture effect during leaf litter decomposition. Science of The Total Environment860, 160190.

Gamalo, L.E.D., Cabrera, S.M.E., De Los Reyes, N.C.L., De Cadiz, A.E., Chavez Jr, J.B., Raganas, A.F.M., Quibod, M. N. R. M. (2023). Inventory of terrestrial vertebrate wildlife species in a private-owned forest patch in Tagum City, Mindanao, Philippines. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 24(2): 1104-1116.


Wang, X., & Ibáñez, I. (2022). The contrasting effects of local environmental conditions on tree growth between populations at different latitudes. Forests13(3), 429.

Lefebvre, T., Charles-Dominique, T., & Tomlinson, K. W. (2022). Trunk spines of trees: a physical defence against bark removal and climbing by mammals? Annals of Botany129(5), 541-554.

Lapuz, R. S., Jaojoco, A. K. M., Reyes, S. R. C., De Alban, J. D. T., & Tomlinson, K. W. (2021). Greater loss and fragmentation of savannas than forests over the last three decades in Yunnan Province, China. Environmental Research Letters17(1), 014003.

Fan, H., Li, J.Y., Landrein, S., 2022. Complete chloroplast genome of Nyctocalos pinnatum: chloroplast features and phylogenetic relationships within Bignoniaceae. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources 7(6): 1035-1037.

Roeder, M.Dossa, G. G. O.Cornelissen, J. H. C.Yang, X.Nakamura, A., & Tomlinson, K. W., 2022Liana litter decomposes faster than tree litter in a multispecies and multisite experimentJournal of Ecology001– 15

Singh, P.K., Prajapati, S.K., Sunita, K., Chaturvedi, R.K.* , (2022). Disturbance Induced changes in Diversity of Medicinal Plants in a Dry Tropical Forest of India. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.718930.

Gupta, S. R., Sileshi, G. W., Chaturvedi, R. K., & Dagar, J. C. (2023). Soil biodiversity and litter decomposition in agroforestry systems of the tropical regions of Asia and Africa. In Agroforestry for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in Asia and Africa (pp. 515-568). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

Chen, B., Loo, B.Z.L., Cheng, Y.Y., Song, P., Fan, H., Latypov, O., Kittelmann, S., 2022. Genome-wide high-throughput signal peptide screening via plasmid pUC256E improves protease secretion in Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and Pediococcus acidilactici. BMC Genomics 23(1): 48.

Agung, A.P., Chornelia, A., Grismer, L.L., Grismer, J.L., Quah, E.S.H., Lu, J., Tomlinson, K.W., Hughes AC., (2022). Description of two new species of Hemiphyllodactylus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from karst landscapes in Yunnan, China highlights complex conservation needs. Zoological Research 43: 767–786.
doi: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2022.105

Zhang, X., Gélin, U., Spicer, R.A. et al. , 2022. Rapid Eocene diversification of spiny plants in subtropical woodlands of central Tibet. Nat Commun 13: 3787.

Bibi, F., Tomlinson, K. W., Liu, C., Liu, C. A., Jin, Y., & Tang, J. (2022). Fine root production and soil available nutrients in Rubber monoculture versus Rubber–Flemingia macrophylla agroforestry. Forests13(6), 830.

Li, Y. P., Feng, Y. L., Li, W. T., Tomlinson, K., Liao, Z. Y., Zheng, Y. L., & Zhang, J. L. (2022). Leaf trait association in relation to herbivore defense, drought resistance, and economics in a tropical invasive plant. American Journal of Botany109(6), 910-921.

Katuwal, H. B., Rai, J., Tomlinson, K., Rimal, B., Sharma, H. P., Baral, H. S., … & Quan, R. C. (2022). Seasonal variation and crop diversity shape the composition of bird communities in agricultural landscapes in Nepal. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment333, 107973.

Tanalgo, K.C., Tabora, J. A. G, Oliveira, H.F.M.O., Haelewaters, D., Beranek, C. T., Otálora-Ardila, A., Bernard, E., Gonçalves, F., Eriksson, A., Donnelly, M., Monzón González, J., Fernandez Ramos, H.F., Rivas, A.C., Webala, P.W., Deleva, S., Dalhoumi, R., Maula, J., Lizarro, D., Aguirre, L.F., Bouillard, N., Quibod, M. N. R. M., Barros, J., Turcios-Casco, M.A., Martínez, M., Ordoñez-Mazier, D.I., Orellana, J.A.S., Ordoñez-Trejo, E.J., Ordoñez, D., Chornelia, A., Lu, J.M., Xing, C., Baniya, S., Muylaert, R.L., Dias-Silva, L.H., Ruadreo, N., Hughes, A. DarkCideS  1.0, a global database for  bats in karsts and caves. (2022). Sci Data 9(155).  DOI:

Lucanas C.C., Quibod, M.N.R.M., Lit Jr., Ireneo L., Bicaldo, P.R.D., Larona, A.R., 2021. Cockroaches from caves in Samal Island, Philippines, with notes on the invasive Periplaneta americana (L.) (Blattodea: Blattidae). The Philippine Entomologist DOI: 10.3897/subtbiol.19.9804


Chu, Y., Wee, A. K*., Lapuz, R. S., & Tomlinson, K. W*. 2021. Phylogeography of two widespread C4 grass species suggest tableland and valley grassy biome in southwestern China pre-date human modification. Global Ecology and Conservation 31: e01835, DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01835

Maurin M, Anest A, Bellot S, Biffin E, Brewer G, Charles-Dominique T, Cowan RS, Dodsworth S, Epitawalage N, Gallego B, Giaretta A, Goldenberg R, Gonçalves DJP, Graham S, Hoch P, Mazine F, Low YW, McGinnie C, Michelangeli FA, Morris S, Penneys DS, Pérez Escobar OA, Pillon Y, Pokorny L, Shimizu G, Staggemeier VG, Thornhill A, Tomlinson KW, Turner I, Vasconcelos T, Wilson PG, Zuntini A, Baker WJ, Forest F, Lucas E. 2021. A nuclear phylogenomic study of the angiosperm order Myrtales, exploring the potential and limitations of the universal Angiosperms353 probe set. American Journal of Botany 108: 1087-1111. DOI:  10.1002/ajb2.1699

Chen Y-J, Choat B, Sterck F*, Phisamai M, Katabuchi M, Zhang S-B, Tomlinson KW, Oliveira R, Zhang Y, Shen J-X, Cao K-F, Jansen S. 2021. Hydraulic prediction of drought-induced plant dieback and top-kill depends on leaf habit and growth form. Ecology Letters 24: 2350-2363.  DOI: 10.1111/ele.13856

Falster D*, Gallagher R,…, Tomlinson KW, .. 2021. AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora. Scientific Data 8: 254. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14545755

Singh, P.K., Prajapati, S.K., Sunita, K., Chaturvedi, R.K.*. 2021. Disturbance Induced changes in Diversity of Medicinal Plants in a Dry Tropical Forest of India. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 108. DOI: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.718930.

Chaturvedi, R.K.*, Tripathi, A., Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S. 2021. Functional traits indicate a continuum of tree drought strategies across a soil water availability gradient in a tropical dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management 482: 118740. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118740.

Chaturvedi, R.K.*, Tripathi, A., Raghubanshi, A.S. & Singh, J.S., 2021. Functional traits indicate a continuum of tree drought strategies across a soil water availability gradient in a tropical dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management 482: 118740. DOI:  10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118740

Liu, C. Y., Gélin, U., He, R. C., Li, H., & Quan, R. C. 2021. Flexible breeding Performance under unstable climatic conditions in a tropical passerine in Southwest China. Zoological research 42: 221-226. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2020.288

Chomicki, G., 2021. Bringing Raunkiær with plant architecture: unveiling the climatic drivers of architectural evolution in Euphorbia. New Phytologist. (This article is a Commentary on Anest et al. (2021), 231: 1278–1295. )

Wills, C., Wang, B., Fang, S., Wang, Y., Jin, Y., Lutz, J., Thompson, J., Harms, K.E., Pulla, S., Pasion, B. and Germain, S., 2021. Interactions between all pairs of neighboring trees in 16 forests worldwide reveal details of unique ecological processes in each forest, and provide windows into their evolutionary histories. PLoS computational biology17(4), p.e1008853.

Zeeshan M, Sha L, Tomlinson KW, Azeez PA, 2021. Factors shaping students’ perception of climate change in the western Himalayas, Jammu & Kashmir, India. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 3:100035. DOI: 10.1016/j.crsust.2021.100035

Anest A, Charles-Dominique T, Maurin O, Millan M, Edelin C, Tomlinson K*., 2021. Evolving the structure: climatic and developmental constraints on the evolution of plant architecture. A case study in Euphorbia. New Phytologist.     

Kumari, S., Kumar, R., Chaudhary, R.C. & Chaturvedi, R.K.*, 2021. Morpho-agronomic study of some varieties of Golden Sweet Potato for their utilization as food and forage. Tropical Plant Research 3: 199–212. DOI: 10.4314/as.v8i2.51100

Mancera, J. P., & Lapuz, R. S., 2021. Environmental Niche Models Reveal Receding Refugia for Philippine Endemic and Threatened Melastome Trees under Accelerated Climate Change. Philippine Journal of Science 150: 93–100. DOI: 10.1038/s41558-019-0530-9

Quibod, M. N. R. M., Alcantara, K. N., Bechayda, N., Estropia, C. J., Guntinas, J., Obin, M. A., Raymundo, R., & Soniega, E., 2021. Terrestrial vertebrates in modified landscapes in northeastern Mindanao, Philippines. Journal of Animal Diversity 3 (3) DOI: 10.2307/3858703

Pasion BO*, Barrias CDP, Asuncion MP, Angadol AH, Pabiling RR, Pasion Jr A, Braulio AA, Baysa Jr AM., 2021. Assessing tree diversity and carbon density of a riparian zone within a protected area in Southern Philippines. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity. 14: 78-86 DOI: 10.1016/j.japb.2020.10.006


Harapan TS, Agung AP, Handika H, Novarino W, Tjong DH, Tomlinson KW. 2020. New records and potential geographic distribution of Elongated Caecilian, Ichthyophis elongatus Taylor, 1965 (Amphibia, Gymnophiona, Ichthyophiidae), endemic to West Sumatra, Indonesia. Check List 16: 1695–1701. DOI: 10.15560/16. 6.1695

Armani, M., Goodale, U.M., Charles-Dominique, T., Barton, K.E., Yao, X. & Tomlinson, K.W.*, 2020. Structural defence is coupled with the leaf economic spectrum across saplings of spiny species. Oikos 129: 740-752. DOI: 10.1111/oik.06960

Alcantara AA*, Castillo ML, Malabrigo PL, Logatoc ELR, Pasion BO, Alcala RS. 2020.  Mosses from Greater Sipit Subwatershed, Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve, the Philippines. Journal on New Biological Reports 9: 262-268. DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d200632

Barcoto, M.O.*, Carlos-Shanley, C., Fan, H., Ferro, M., Nagamoto, N.S., Bacci, M., Currie, C.R. and Rodrigues, A.*, 2020. Fungus-growing insects host a distinctive microbiota apparently adapted to the fungiculture environment. Scientific reports 10: 1-13. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-68448-7

Bejar SG*, Galindon JM, Duya MR, Duya L, Pasion BO, Ong PS. 2020. Living in small spaces: forest fragment characterization and its use by Philippine tarsiers (Tarsius syrichta Linnaeus, 1758) in Mindanao Island, Philippines. Primates 61: 529-542. DOI: 10.1007/s10329-020-00798-2

Corlett, R.T.* and Tomlinson, K.W., 2020. Climate change and edaphic specialists: irresistible force meets immovable object? Trends in Ecology & Evolution 35: 367-376. DOI: 10.1016/j.tree. 2019.12.007

Chaturvedi, R.K. 2020. The Role of Tree Plantations for Improving Soil Fertility and Carbon Sequestration on Coal Mine Spoils. In: Agroforestry for Degraded Landscapes: Recent Advances and Emerging Challenges, Edited by JC Dagar, SR Gupta & Demel Teketay, Springer (accepted).

Huang G, Sreekar R*, Velho N, Corlett RT, Quan R-C, Tomlinson KW. 2020. Combining camera-trap surveys and interviews to determine the status of mammals in protected rainforests and rubber plantations of Menglun, Xishuangbanna, China. Animal Conservation 23: 689-699. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12588

Gao J*, Long Z, Zhao W, Wang X-R, Tomlinson KW, Xia S, Chen J. 2020. Combined genotype and phenotype analyses reveal patterns of genomic adaptation to local environments in the subtropical oak Quercus acutissima. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59: 541-556. DOI: 10.1111/jse.12568.

Khadempour, L., Fan, H., Keefover-Ring, K., Carlos-Shanley, C., Nagamoto, N.S., Dam, M.A., Pupo, M.T. and Currie, C.R.*, 2020. Metagenomics reveals diet-specific specialization of bacterial communities in fungus gardens of grass-and dicot-cutter ants. Frontiers in microbiology 11: 570770. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020 .570770

Scheiter S*, Kumar D, Corlett RT, Gaillard C, Langan L, Lapuz RS, Pfeiffer M, Tomlinson KW. 2020. Climate change promotes transitions to tall evergreen vegetation in tropical Asia. Global Change Biology 26: 5106-5124. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15217

Silvaraju, S., Menon, N., Fan, H*., Lim, K. and Kittelmann, S.*, 2020. Phylotype-Level Characterization of Complex Lactobacilli Communities Using a High-Throughput, High-Resolution Phenylalanyl-tRNA Synthetase (pheS) Gene Amplicon Sequencing Approach. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87: e02191-20. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02191-20

Tripathi S.N.*, Bhadouria, R., Srivastava, P., Devi, R.S., Chaturvedi, R.K. & Raghubanshi, A.S. 2020. Effects of variations in light availability on leaf attributes and seedling growth of four tree species in tropical dry forest. Ecological Processes 9: 2. DOI: 10.1186/s13717-019-0206-4

Xu W, Tomlinson KW, Jie L*. 2020. Strong intraspecific trait variation in a tropical dominant tree species along an elevational gradient. Plant Diversity 42: 1-6. DOI: 10.1016/j.pld.2019.10.004


Gélin, U., Keller, M., de Beaupuis, V., Nowak, R., Lévy, F., Locatelli, Y. 2019. Impact of hybridization between sika and red deer on phenotypic traits of the newborn and mother-young relationships, Animal Behaviour 158(65-75), DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2019.09.016

Yue X, Hughes ACH, Tomlinson KW, Xia S, Li S, Chen J. Phenotypic responses of Chinese Bats to recent environmental change. Journal of Mammalogy. (accepted)

Roeder M*, Liu JJ, Pasion BOP, Yasuda M, Slik JWF, Tomlinson KW. 2019. Growth, mortality and wood density of lianas in fragmented forest in SW China. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 143-1152. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12809

Armani M, Charles-Dominique T, Barton KE, Tomlinson KW*. 2019. Developmental constraints and resource environment shape early emergence and investment in spines in saplings. Annals of Botany 124: 1133-1142. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcz152

Song H-K, Singh D, Tomlinson KW, Yang X-D, Ogwu M, Slik JWF*, Adams JM*. 2019. Tropical forest conversion to rubber plantation in southwest China results in lower fungal beta diversity and reduced network complexity. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95: fiz092. DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiz092

Siddiq Z, Tomlinson KW, Cao KF*. 2019. Does fluctuation of meteorological conditions across years influence stand transpiration of Tectona grandis plantation? Ecohydrology 12: e2116. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2116

Khaing TT, Pasion BO, Lapuz RS, Tomlinson KW*. 2019. Determinants of plant composition, diversity and structure in a seasonally dry forest in Myanmar. GECCO 19: e00669. DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00669

Quibod MNRM*, Alviola PAA, de Guia APO, Cuevas VC, Lit IL Jr., Pasion BO. 2019. Diversity and threats to cave-dwelling bats in a small island in the Southern Philippines. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversit 12: 181-187. DOI: 10.1016/j.japb.2019.06.001

Roeder M*, Yang W, Tomlinson KW. 2019. Influence of smoke, heat and fire on germination of woody species occurring in the dry valleys of southwest China. Journal of Plant Ecology 12: 931-940. DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtz030

Singh D, Slik FJW, Jeon YS, Tomlinson KW, Yang X-D, Wang J, Porazinska DL, Adams JM. 2019. Conversion of Asian tropical forests to monoculture rubber plantation reduces small metazoan α-diversity, and overall diversity. Scientific Reports 9: 5893. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-42333-4

Rosialda PBR, Quibod MNRM, Day MD. 2019. Preliminary Study on the Distribution of the Introduced Gall-forming Fly, Cecidochares connexa (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae) for the Biological Control of the Invasive Alien Weed Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M. King & H. Rob. (Asteraceae) in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science 148: 189-196. DOI: 10.4001/003.026.0471

Tomlinson KW*, Sterck FJ, Barbosa ERM, de Bie S, Prins HHT, van Langevelde F. 2019. Seedling growth of savanna tree species from three continents under grass competition and nutrient limitation in a greenhouse experiment. Journal of Ecology 107: 1051-1066. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13085


Chen Z, Corlett RT, Jiao X, Liu S-J, Charles-Dominique T, Zhang S, Li H, Quan R-C. 2018. Prolonged milk provisioning in a jumping spider. Science 362: 1052-1055. DOI: 10.1126/science.aat3692

Armani M*, van Langevelde F, Tomlinson KW, Adu-Bredu S, Djagbletey G, Veenendaal EM. 2018. Compositional patterns of overstorey and understorey woody communities in a forest-savanna boundary in Ghana. Plant Ecology & Diversity 18: 451-463. DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2018.15 39133

Osborne, C. P.*, Charles‐Dominique, T., Stevens, N., Bond, W. J., Midgley, G., & Lehmann*, C. E. 2018. Human impacts in African savannas are mediated by plant functional traits. New Phytologist 220: 10-24. DOI: 10.1111/nph.15236

Galindon JM, Pasion B, Tongco MD, Fidelino J, Duya MR, Ong P*. 2018. Plant diversity patterns in remnant forests and exotic tree species-based reforestation in active limestones quarries in the Luzon and Mindanao biogeographic sub-regions in the Philippines. Ecological Research 33: 163-72. DOI: 10.1007/s11284-017-1533-5

Xi N, Chu C*, Bloor JMG. 2018. Plant drought resistance is mediated by soil microbial community structure and soil-plant feedbacks in a savanna tree species. Environmental and Experimental Botany 155: 695-701. DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2018.08.013

Pasion BO, Roeder M, Liu J-J, Yasuda M, Corlett RT, Slik JFW, Tomlinson KW*. 2018. Do large trees represent overall plant diversity patterns and responses to forest fragmentation in tropical forests? Scientific Reports 8. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-29635-9

Beng KC*, Corlett RC, Tomlinson KW. 2018. Seasonal changes in the diversity and composition of the litter fauna in natural forests and rubber plantations. Scientific Reports 8: 10232. DOI: 10.1038/s415 98-018-28603-7

Charles-Dominique T*, Midgley GF, Tomlinson KW, Bond WJ. 2018. Steal the light: Shade versus fire adapted vegetation in forest-savanna mosaics. New Phytologist 218: 1419-1429. DOI: 10.1111/ nph.15117

Bo W, Phillips JS, Tomlinson KW. Trade-off between physical and chemical defence in plant seeds is mediated by seed mass. Oikos (in press).

Singh J.S. & Chaturvedi R.K. 2018. Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest: Research Trends and Emerging Features. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore. eBook ISBN: 978-981-10-7260-4; Hardcover ISBN: 978-981-10-7259-8.

Chaturvedi RK & Raghubanshi AS. 2018. Soil Water Availability Influences Major Ecosystem Processes in Tropical Dry Forest. International Journal of Hydrology 2: 14-15. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2018.02.00042

Chaturvedi RK & Raghubanshi AS. 2018. Effect of Soil Moisture on Composition and Diversity of Trees in Tropical dry Forests. MOJ Ecology & Environmental Science 3: 6-8. DOI: 10.15406/mojes.2018.03.00059

Bahuguna, H.S., Chaturvedi, R.K.* & Rajwar, G.S. 2018. Carbon sequestration potential of the forest soils of district Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India. Tropical Ecology 59: 659-678. DOI: 10.36953/ecj.2016.171207


Dunning LT, Liabot A-L, Olofsson JK, Smith EK, Vorontsova MS, Besnard G, Simpson KJ, Lundgren ML, Addicott E, Gallagher RV, Chu Y, Pennington RT, Christin P-A & Lehmann CER. 2017. The recent and rapid spread of Themeda triandra. Botany Letters: DOI:10.1080/23818107.2017.1391120

Xi N*, Zhang C, Bloor JMG. 2017. Species richness alters spatial nutrient heterogeneity effects on aboveground plant productivity. Biology Letters (in press).

Griffith DM, Lehmann CER, Strömberg CAE, Parr CL, Sankaran M, Ratnam J, Still CJ, Powell RL, Hanan NP, Nippert JB, Osborne CP, Good SP, Anderson M, Holdo RM, Veldman JW, Durigan G, Tomlinson KW, Hoffmann WA, Archibald S, Bond WJ. 2017.  Comment on The extent of forest in dryland biomes”. Science 358: eaao1309

Bernardo P, Charles-Dominique T, Fernandez E, Filloux D, Ortet P, Barakat M, Rebelo T A, Cousins S, Mesleard F, Cohez D, Yaverkovski N, Varsani A, Harkins G W, Peterschmitt M, Malmstrom C, Martin D P, Roumagnac P. Spatial metagenomics illuminates the impact of agriculture on the distribution and prevalence of plant viruses at the ecosystem scale. ISME Journal (in press).

Dayananda S, Mammides C, Lee M-B, Liu J-J, Pasion B, Sreekar R, Yasuda M, Quan R-C, Slik F, Tomlinson KW, Goodale E. Topography and soil type are critical to understanding how bird and herpetofaunal communities persist in forest fragments of tropical China. Biological Conservation (in press).

Chaturvedi RK, Raghubanshi AS. 2017. Assessment of allometric models for leaf area index estimation of Tectona grandis. Tropical Plant Research 4(2): 274–285

Singh JS, Chaturvedi RK. 2017. Diversity of ecosystem types in India: a review. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy – INSA 83(3): 569-594. DOI: 10.16943/ptinsa/2017/49027.

Chaturvedi RK, Singh JS. 2017. Restoration of mine spoil in a dry tropical region: a review. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy – INSA (in press).

Chaturvedi RK. 2017. Implication of nanotechnology for the treatment of water and air pollution. In: Emerging Trends in Agri-Nanotechnology: Fundamental and Applied Aspects, Edited by H.B. Singh, S. Mishra, L.F. Fraceto, R. De Lima, CABI (in press).

Padmanaba M, Tomlinson KW, Hughes ACH, Corlett RT. 2017. Alien plant invasions of protected areas in Java, Indonesia. Scientific Reports. (in press)

Xi N, Zhu B-R, Zhang D-Y. 2017. Contrasting grass nitrogen strategies reflect interspecific trade-offs between nitrogen acquisition and use in a semi-arid temperate grassland. Plant and Soil. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-017-3296-8

Chen Q, Tomlinson KW, Wang B. 2017. Effects of fragmentation on the seed predation and dispersal by rodents differ among species with different seed size. Integrative Zoology. (in press).

Chaturvedi RK, Raghubanshi AS & Singh JS. 2017. Sapling harvest: a predominant factor affecting future composition of tropical dry forests. Forest Ecology and Management 384: 221-235.

Liu J-J, Yu M-J, Tomlinson K, Slik JWF. 2017. Patterns and drivers of plant biodiversity in Chinese university campuses. Landscape and Urban Planning. (in press).

Chaturvedi RK, Raghubanshi AS, Tomlinson KW & Singh JS. Impacts of human disturbance in tropical dry forests increase with soil moisture stress. Journal of Vegetation Science 28(5): 997-1007.

Charles-Dominique T, Midgley GF, Bond WJ. 2017. Fire frequency filters species by bark traits in a savanna-forest mosaic. Journal of Vegetation Science. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12528.

Leles B, Xiao X, Pasion B, Nakamura A, Tomlinson KW. 2017. Does plant diversity increase top-down control of herbivorous insects in tropical forest? Oikos.

Charles-Dominique T, Barczi J-F, Le Roux L, Midgley GF, Bond WJ, Chamaille-James S. 2017. The architectural design of trees protects them against large herbivores. Functional Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12876


Ratnam J, Tomlinson KW*, Rasquinha DN & Sankaran M. 2016. Savannahs in Asia: evidence for antiquity, biogeography, and an uncertain future. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 371:

Charles-Dominique T, Davies TJ, Hempson GP, Bezeng BS, Dari BH, Kabongo RM, Maurin O, Muasya AM, van der Bank M, Bond W. 2016. Spiny plants, mammal browsers and the origin of African savannas. PNAS 113: E5572E5579.

Chen Y-J., S. Schnitzer; Y-J. Zhang, Z-X. Fan, G. Goldstein, K.W. Tomlinson, K-F. Cao, J-L. Zhang. 2016. Stomatal regulation and efficient xylem water transport regulate diurnal water and carbon balances of tropical lianas. Functional Ecology. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12724

Dayananda S.K., E. Goodale, M-B. Lee, J-J. Liu, C. Mammides, B.O. Pasion, R-C. Quan, J.W.F. Slik, R. Sreekar, K.W. Tomlinson, M. Yasuda. 2016. Effects of forest fragmentation on nocturnal Asian birds: a case study from Xishuangbanna, China. Zoological Research 37: 151-158.

Monoy C.C.K.W. Tomlinson, Y. Iida, N. Swenson, F.J.W. Slik. 2016. Temporal changes in tree species and trait composition in a cyclone-prone Pacific dipterocarp forest. Ecosystems.

Chaturvedi R.K., A.S. Raghubanshi. 2016. Leaf life-span dynamics of woody species in tropical dry forests of India. Tropical Plant Research 3: 199-212.

Beng K.C., K.W. Tomlinson, X-H. Shen, Y. Surget-Groba, A.C. Hughes, R.T. Corlett, J.W.F. Slik. 2016. The utility of DNA metabarcoding for studying the response of arthropod diversity and composition to land-use change in the tropics. Scientific Reports.

Harrison R., R. Sreekar, J. Brodie, S. Brook, M. Linkie, H. O’Kelly, M. Rao, B. Scheffers and N. Velho. 2016. Impacts of hunting on tropical forests in Southeast Asia. Conservation Biology 30: 972-981.

Sreekar R., G. Huang, M. Yasuda, R-C. Quan, E. Goodale, R. Corlett, K.W. Tomlinson. 2016. Effects of forests, roads and mistletoe on bird diversity in monoculture rubber plantations. Scientific Reports.

Tomlinson K.W., F. van Langevelde, D.M. Ward, H.H.T. Prins, S. de Bie, B. Vosman, E.V.S.B. Sampaio, F. Sterck. 2016. Defence against vertebrate herbivores diverges into architectural and low nutrient strategies amongst savanna tree species. Oikos 125: 126-136.


Chen Y-J, F. Bongers, K. Tomlinson, Z-X. Fan, H. Lin, S-B. Zhang, Y-L. Zheng, Y-P. Li, K-F. Cao, J-L. Zhang. 2015. Time lags between crown and basal sap flows in tropical lianas and co-occurring trees. Tree Physiology. DOI:10.1093/treephys/tpv103

Roeder M, F.J.W. Slik , R.D. Harrison , E. Paudel, K.W. Tomlinson. 2015. Proximity to the host is an important characteristic for the selection of the first support in lianas. Journal of Vegetation Science 26: 1054-1060.

Sreekar, R., G. Huang, J. Zhao, B.O. Pasion, M. Yasuda, K. Zhang, I. Peabotuwage, X. Wang, R-C. Quan, J.W.F. Slik, R.T. Corlett, E. Goodale, R.D. Harrison. 2015. The use of species-area relationships to partition the effects of deforestation and hunting in a fragmented landscape. Diversity and Distributions 21:441-450.

Roeder M., M. McLeish, P. Beckschäfer, M. de Blécourt, E. Paudel, R.D. Harrison, J.W.F. Slik. 2015. Phylogenetic clustering increases with succession for lianas in a Chinese tropical montane rain forest. Ecography 38:832-841.


Liu J-J., Y-H. Tan, J.W.F. Slik. 2014. Topography related habitat associations of tree species traits, composition and diversity in a Chinese tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management 330: 75-81.

Tomlinson K.W., L. Poorter, F. Bongers, F. Borghetti, L. Jacobs, F. van Langevelde. 2014. Relative growth rate variation of evergreen and deciduous savanna tree species is driven by different traits. Annals of Botany 114:315-324.

Barbosa E.R.M., K.W. Tomlinson, L.G. Carvalheiro, K. Kirkman, S. de Bie, H.H.T. Prins, F. van Langevelde. 2014. Short-term effect of nutrient availability and rainfall distribution on biomass production and leaf nutrient content of savanna tree species. PLoS ONE 9: e92619. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092619

Tomlinson, K.W. 2014. The mixed success of Mimosoideae clades invading into Australia. In: Prins HHT, Gordon I (eds) Invasion biology and ecological theory: insights from a continent in transformation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Pp 39-57.

Richardson J.E., A.M. Bakar, J. Tosh, K. Armstrong, J. Smedmark, A.A. Anderberg, J.W.F. Slik, P. Wilkie. 2014. The influence of tectonics, sea level changes and dispersal on migration and diversification of Isonandreae (Sapotaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174:130-140.

Liu J-J, J.W.F. Slik. 2014. Forest fragment spatial distribution matters for tropical tree conservation. Biological Conservation 171: 99-106.

Shi L.L., P.E. Mortimer, J.W.F. Slik, X.M. Zou, J. Xu, W.T. Feng, L. Qiao, 2014. Variation in forest soil fungal diversity along a latitudinal gradient. Fungal Diversity 64: 305-315.

Yang J., G. Zhang, X. Ci, N.G. Swenson, M. Cao, L. Sha, J. Li, C.C. Baskin, J.W.F. Slik, L. Lin, 2014. Functional and phylogenetic assembly in a Chinese tropical tree community across size classes, spatial scales and habitats. Functional Ecology 28: 520-529.

Zhang M-G., Z. Zhe-Kun, W-Y Chen, C.H. Cannon, N. Raes, J.W.F. Slik. 2014. Major declines of woody plant species ranges under climate change in Yunnan, China. Diversity and Distributions 20: 405-415.

Barbosa E.R.M., F. van Langevelde, K.W. Tomlinson, K. Kirkman, S. de Bie, H.H.T. Prins. Tree species from different functional groups respond differently to environmental changes during establishment. Oecologia 174:1345-1357.


Harrison, R.D., S. Tan, J.B. Plotkin, F. Slik, M. Detto, T. Brenes, A. Itoh, S.J. Davies, 2013. Consequences of defaunation for a tropical tree community. Ecology Letters 16: 687-694.

McLeish, M.J., J.T. Miller, L.A. Mound, 2013. Delayed colonization of Acacia by thrips and the timing of host conservatism and behavioural specialization. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13: 188. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-13-188

Mo, X.X., L.L. Shi, Y.J. Zhang, H. Zhu, J.W.F. Slik, 2013. Change in phylogenetic community structure during succession of traditionally managed tropical rainforest in Southwest China. PloS ONE 8: e71464.

Roeder, M., I.D.K. Ferraz, D. Holscher, 2013. Seed and germination characteristics of 20 Amazonian liana species. Plants 2: 1-15.

Slik, J.W.F., G. Paoli, K. McGuire, I. Amaral, J. Barroso, M. Bastian, et al., 2013. Large trees drive forest aboveground biomass variation in moist lowland forests across the tropics. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 1261–1271.

Yahara, T., F. Javadi, Y. Onoda, L. Paganucci de Queiroz, D.P. Faith, D.E. Prado, M. Akasaka, T. Kadoya, F, Ishihama, S. Davies, J.W.F. Slik, et al., 2013. Global legume diversity assessment: Concepts, key indicators, and strategies. Taxon 62: 249-266.


Anticamara, J.A., B.O. Pasion, R.S. Gonzalez, M.R.M. Duya, P.S. Ong, 2012. Understanding high altitude reforestation in Mt. Apo, Philippines. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 15: 31-43.

Cannon, C.H., R. Harrison, L. Qie, J.W.F. Slik, J. Chen, 2012. A proposal for expanding capacity for conservation science education in the tropical Asia-Pacific region. Biology International 50: 85-94.

Fan, Z.X, S.B. Zhang, G.Y. Hao, J.W.F. Slik, K.F. Cao, 2012. Hydraulic conductivity traits predict growth rates and adult stature of 40 Asian tropical tree species better than wood density. Journal of Ecology 100: 732-741.

McLeish, M., G. Beukman, S. van Noort, T.C. Wossler, 2012. Host plant species conservatism and ecology of a parasitoid fig wasp genus (Chalcidoidea: Sycoryctinae; Arachonia). PloS ONE 7: e44804.

McLeish, M., S. van Noort, 2012. Codivergence and multiple host species use by fig wasp populations of the Ficus pollination mutualism. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12.

Roeder, M., D. Holscher, I.D. Kossmann-Ferraz, 2012. Traits and growth of liana regeneration in primary and secondary forests of Central Amazonia. Applied Vegetation Science 15: 108-118.

Zhai, D.L., C.H. Cannon, J.W.F. Slik, C.P. Zhang, Z.C. Dai, 2012. Rubber and pulp plantations represent a double threat to Hainan’s natural tropical forests. Journal of Environmental Management 96: 64-73.

Zhang, S.B., J.L. Zhang, J.W.F. Slik, K.F. Cao, 2012. Leaf element concentrations of terrestrial plants across China are influenced by taxonomy and the environment. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 809-818.

Zhang, M.G., Z.K. Zhou, W.Y. Chen, J.W.F. Slik, C.H. Cannon, N. Raes, 2012. Using species distribution modelling to improve conservation and land use planning of Yunnan, China. Biological Conservation 153: 257-264.


Guicking, D., B. Fiala, F.R. Blattner, J.W.F. Slik, M. Mohamed, K. Weising, 2011. Comparative chloroplast DNA phylogeography of two tropical pioneer trees, Macaranga gigantea and Macaranga pearsonii (Euphorbiaceae). Tree genetics and Genomics 7: 573-585.

Hoang Van, S., P. Baas, P.J.A. Keßler, J.W.F. Slik, H. ter Steege, N. Raes, 2011. Human and environmental influence on plant diversity and composition in Ben En National Park, Vietnam. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 23: 328-337.

Slik, J.W.F., S.I. Aiba, M. Bastian, F.Q. Brearley, C.H. Cannon, K.A.O. Eichhorn, et al., 2011. Soils on exposed Sunda Shelf shaped biogeographic patterns in Southeast Asia’s equatorial forests. PNAS 108: 12343-12347.

Slik, J.W.F., M. van Beek, C. Bernard, F. Bongers, F.C. Breman, C.H. Cannon, K. Sidiyasa, 2011. Limited edge effects along a burned-unburned Bornean forest boundary seven years after disturbance. Biotropica 43: 288-298.

Welzen, P.C. van, J.A.N. Parnell, J.W.F. Slik, 2011. Wallace’s Line and plant distributions: two or three phytogeographical areas and where to group Java? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 103: 531-545.

Xiao-Xue, M., Y.J. Zhang, J.W.F. Slik, J.X. Liu, H. Zhu, 2011. Limited impact on plant diversity and composition of traditional forest management in a tropical seasonal rainforest in SW China. Biological Conservation 144: 1832-1840.

Zhang, S.B., J.W.F. Slik, J.L. Zhang, K.F. Cao, 2011. Spatial distribution of wood traits in China are controlled by phylogenetic and environmental constraints. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 241-250.

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